Saturday, June 10, 2023 CONTACT: Cameron Keir | [email protected] | 614-359-5346
Columbus, OH — Today, Ohio legislative leadership joined Columbus Mayor Andrew Ginther urging Columbus neighbors to vote NO on Issue 1 in the upcoming August special election. Issue 1 would change Ohio law, making it harder for Ohioans to amend the Constitution through citizen-led ballot initiatives. While Ohio Republicans admit Issue 1 is “100% about abortion,” Issue 1 would impact Columbus neighborhoods in a variety of ways from school funding to raising wages.
“Issue 1 isn’t about being a Republican or Democrat. It’s about being part of democracy – and making sure your voice is heard when it matters. If a handful of radical lawmakers are successful on August 8th, issues ranging from fair wages to reproductive rights are at risk in Columbus and all across Ohio. We simply cannot let that happen. This is exactly why I proudly join a bipartisan coalition of Ohio leaders endorsing Columbus neighbors to vote NO on Issue 1,” said Mayor Ginther.
After previously endorsing a NO vote on Issue 1, the Mayor was joined this morning by Ohio House Minority Leader Allison Russo, Senator Hearcel Craig and Columbus Councilmember Emmanuel Remy who outlined how Issue 1 strips the power and voices of the majority of Ohioans in favor of a select minority.
“Columbus is locked in a senseless legal battle over enforcing laws that are aimed at keeping you safe from violence. While Mayor Ginther, City Attorney Klein and Columbus leaders fight to keep you safe, Statehouse politicians continue to take steps to roll back that progress. This is just one example of what could happen more often if a few radical Ohioans are given the power that many have today. That is a reality if Issue One passes this August,” said Councilmember Remy.
House Minority Leader Allison Russo made it clear, Ohioans from all walks of life and on both sides of the political spectrum oppose Issue 1.
“Issue 1 is one of the most important our state has ever faced. Radicals in our legislature passed it over our objections, over our protests and over the overwhelming protests and chants from Ohioans filling the Statehouse that afternoon. Every living former Governor of both parties has come out against this issue, along with leaders of both political parties. Police, labor, educators and advocacy organizations are all opposed to Issue 1. You should be too,” said Minority Leader Russo.
Ultimately, Issue 1 also directly impacts the ongoing fight to guarantee access to reproductive rights in Ohio law, something Senator Hearcel Craig says simply cannot happen.
“Issue One is about taking away your voice. It is about a select few getting more control over Ohio law. And it most certainly is about reproductive rights. We’re here today because we agree a woman and her health care team should have the right to choose, not politicians. So join me in finding a few friends and neighbors and making sure they’re registered to vote on August 8th,” said Senator Craig.
Mayor Andrew Ginther agrees, firmly believing every Ohioan should have access to the full range of reproductive health care options under Ohio law. That’s exactly why he has been and will continue to be a staunch supporter of codifying reproductive rights in Ohio’s Constitution.
About One Person One Vote The Vote No in August campaign is a citizen-driven, grassroots, non-partisan coalition representing millions of Ohio voters that have come together to protect the sacred principle of one person one vote, and preserve majority rule in Ohio.
Paid For by Friends For Ginther |